Dassault Systèmes 3DEXPERIENCE Platform Recognized as PACT Conformant
Virtualization is now enabling companies to redefine a decarbonized value chain, Dassault reports.
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October 31, 2024
Dassault Systèmes reports that the 3DEXPERIENCE platform is now listed as a PACT conformant solution by the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) Partnership for Carbon Transparency, the global standard for calculating and exchanging Scope 3 greenhouse gas data across the value chain. This recognition helps Dassault Systèmes’ customers and their value chains make carbon-informed business decisions to reach net zero.
Dassault Systèmes aims to help unlock decarbonization through real emissions transparency in the value chain. PACT conformant solutions enable companies to calculate and exchange product-level emissions data across their value chain securely, according to Dassault Systèmes.
The International Conference on Parallel Architectures and Compilation Techniques (PACT) technical conference focuses on hardware and software, with emphasis on parallelism. The PACT conference series gathers researchers from computer architectures, compilers, execution environments, programming languages, and applications, to present their research.
By being recognized as PACT conformant, Dassault Systèmes adheres to the technical specifications published by the PACT, which was developed by the WBCSD with stakeholders across the carbon ecosystem, highlighting its role as co-convenor of the Greenhouse Gas Protocol.
“The virtual world is a key enabler for our customers to imagine, design and test innovations for a more sustainable economy. Virtualization has already transformed these innovation processes and is now at a point where we can redefine how the value chain works. Sharing information across companies and industries is key to quickly unlocking its decarbonization,” says Florence Verzelen, executive vice president, Industry, Marketing & Sustainability, Dassault Systèmes. “By being PACT conformant, we can help customers increase transparency and make the right decisions, while strengthening our role as trusted partner in this transformation.”
Dassault Systèmes completed an interoperability test for the 3DEXPERIENCE platform that was implemented in June 2024. The successful completion of conformance testing ensured that the platform can mutually exchange product-level carbon footprint data in a secure and interoperable way. It will now be listed in the PACT Catalog as a PACT conformant solution.
Sources: Press materials received from the company and additional information gleaned from the company’s website.
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